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Yibin, China, Leeches usually only suck the blood on the surface of the body, such as the feet. But in China, leech measuring 10.16 cm was found in the living conditions at the throat of a boy and had made him hard to breath for 2 months.
Starting from 2 months ago. Boy named Tao Jiayuan (16 years) was only complaining of sore throat. Just like a regular sore throat symptoms, the boy from Sichuan Province was experiencing pain on swallowing, but after a long time accompanied by shortness of breath.
Starting from 2 months ago. Boy named Tao Jiayuan (16 years) was only complaining of sore throat. Just like a regular sore throat symptoms, the boy from Sichuan Province was experiencing pain on swallowing, but after a long time accompanied by shortness of breath.
Because the complaint does not heal, her mother began to suspect if the complaints of the Tao is not usual strep throat. Moreover, reported more severe shortness of breath and later even his weight continued to decrease as malnourished children.
Tao finally taken to the Hospital of Yibin, one of the leading hospitals in the city of Yibin, Sichuan Province to undergo examination. Did not take long, doctors soon discovered the cause of sore throat and shortness of breath experienced by Tao in the last 2 months.
Tao finally taken to the Hospital of Yibin, one of the leading hospitals in the city of Yibin, Sichuan Province to undergo examination. Did not take long, doctors soon discovered the cause of sore throat and shortness of breath experienced by Tao in the last 2 months.
A leech measuring 10.16 cm was found in the living conditions, wriggling in the throat hole Tao. It is estimated that, blood sucking leeches had been staying there for about 2 months so the weight is reduced drastically Tao.
Dr. Bing is dealing with Tao Chen acknowledges, this case is extreme because the leech is very rarely get into the human body. Leeches are also very strong, because it does not die when treated and even still wriggling when removed and placed on a sheet of white paper.
Dr. Bing is dealing with Tao Chen acknowledges, this case is extreme because the leech is very rarely get into the human body. Leeches are also very strong, because it does not die when treated and even still wriggling when removed and placed on a sheet of white paper.
It is not known exactly how it could leech lodged in the Tao's throat. But his father, Tao Chuanhua estimate leech is swallowed by a child when the drinking water of the river as he always did when she was working in the fields.
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