Sandia – the US government arm which develops about this bullet, Sandia is now seeking a private company partner for finish the testing and produce the bullet.
there is an LED on prototype bullet to the test showing the flightpath at night-time test.
Bullets to be used for Sniper weapon is about 4 inches in length, and at the front of the bullet, there is an optical sensor which will detect a target as far as 2 km using a laser beam. Then the information will be received and calculated using the algorithm, and the bullet will chase the target via tiny fins.
The Developers are Red Jones and Brian Kast, both Researchers at Sandia, worked with colleagues.
Red Jones said: "It was one of the coolest Things I've ever worked on,"
"I worked with a great bunch of people WHO are incredibly bright, incredibly motivated, and WHO solved a great array of problems. It was awesome."
Maybe a rocket was used to chase the target is ordinary, but if a firearm bullets are pursuing the target is extraordinary. Let's hope these bullets not traded to the general public, it would many people running in the street because of chased bullet
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