The weather was crying and i was sipping my coffee.
Very boring when rain, right?
So I'm watching tv and I watched the news about acai berry.
At first, i think acai berry from india because it's "acai", you know what i mean. LOL
But i wrong! Acai berry from Brazil & Peru.
I watched it until the end and i got information about benefit of acai berry.
Here it is:
Acai berry is known to have high antioxidant. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and cause other health problems such as cancer trigger,tumour,and so on. When neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants often used so the amount to be reduced. This means that the body needs a continuous supply of antioxidants. To supply antioksidants again quickly, you must eat and choose foods that have high antioxidant content, for example acai berry. Beside fighting free radicals, antioxidants also make your body feel more fit and energetic.
Acai berries are also good for diet, because it has a high fiber content. But it would be not useful if you do not exercise. Combine a healthy diet & regular exercize will make you diet program run more smoothly & good result.
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